Sunday, July 3, 2011

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

by J.K. Rowling

I don't really want to spend a lot of time "reviewing" this book. It was an interesting read (and probably would be even more intriguing had I read the series when they were relevant) and I finished the first novel in two days! Rowling has an excellent imagination and although some of her style and ideas are clearly borrowed from fantasy writers before her (Tolkien), The Sorcerer's Stone was a delight to read. After finishing the book, part of me wanted to read the rest of the series; however, the low reading level and predictability kept me from deciding to get caught up "Pottermania." There were many wonderful parts in The Sorcerer's Stone but I'll stick to hobbits, trolls and magical rings. After all, I'm just a Muggle.

Artist: MirrorCradle

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